Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday. the dateline some the greater good of all

Is seems that every Friday, most people are practically hectic or stress by enormous news release that somehow, somewhere acted as a market mover. When charts are practically in a bullish mood, suddenly it will transform to bears in no time, followed by several sentiments and factors that brought by traders. Emotions such as greed, scared, anxiousness, security, policy were accelerating the next momentum.
Such as today, 19 of June when Canada is about to release their CPI, Retail Sales, Manufacturing Index and decision toward the next interest rate levels, this will eventually makes most of the traders and investors insecure. Ampules of speculation were made and even made it hyperbolic in a sense that the prediction is way exceed that forecast prediction.
If I can read the future, I am definitely became billionaire by now, sitting beside the beach and having cocktail with a bunch of beautifully girls around me.. yes.... it can only be just dream. (actually I cross my fingers for that.) But eventually, I didn't and nobody could, if someones could, that just utterly called luck.
The main thing about this whole craziness is financial market is the surprise that were made inside it, the adrenaline pumping that develop to such extend make people thinks that it is dangerous.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



Market equilibrium refers to a situation when a quantity demanded and quantity supplied is equal and there is no tendency for price or quantity to change.

When a market is in equilibrium, the quantity that the seller is willing to sell is exactly balances the buyers are willing to buy, and there is no tendency for the market price to increase or decrease. Equilibrium can occur irrespective of the price and quantity involve.

Government Price and Minimum Price

There are several types of government intervention on market equilibrium. The forms of intervention are the fixing of a higher limit or a lower limit on prices in certain markets and the imposition of taxes and subsidies for certain items.

Maximum Price and Minimum Price

The government controls and fixes certain goods and services such as sugar, rice cooking oil, cement, taxi fares et cetera. The government determined the price and not the price mechanism.

There are two types of price control: floor price and ceiling price

Ceiling Price

It is the government imposed regulations that prevent the prices from rising above a maximum level as set by the government. Ceiling price is also referred as a maximum price.

When the government sensed that the price of essential commodities were likely to hikes such as rice, cooking oil, sugar et cetera, then the government would imposed the ceiling price.

This method of price control is also applied to keep the monthly housing rental below the equilibrium level which also called rent control.

Under the ceiling price, consumers can buy product at lower prices which is an advantageous on consumer’s perspectives but by fixing the ceiling price also will creates an excessive demand for the product and this could lead to black marketing.

Floor Price

Floor price is a government imposed regulation to prevent the price from falling bellow the minimum level as set by the government. It is also known as minimum price. This price control method is initiated by the government in the agriculture sectors made to protect the farmer in the event where the prices of the commodities are too low in the free market.

Floor price is also imposed on the minimum wage rate. The minimum wage rate is the lowest wage paid by employer to worker to protect them from exploitation. The benefit of imposing this method is to reduce poverty.

When there is floor price, the incomes of producers are protected as the government buys up all surpluses of goods and services. The government will also store these surplus goods for future use. Lower paid workers are better off with a higher wage rate with the floor price which prevents incomes from falling below a certain level. But the disadvantage is where prices are higher than the equilibrium price under the floor price. Therefore, consumers have to pay more for goods and services. A surplus will occur when there is a floor price and the government will need to purchase excess supplies of agricultural commodities such as cocoa, corn, dairy products and other. Higher wage rate will create unemployment problems as the supply of labour is greater than the demand of labour.


Effect of Taxes on Equilibrium Price and Output

When the government imposes a tax on the sale of goods, the price of the goods might rise by the same amount as the tax imposed. The increase in the price of goods whether in full or in part or none at all, depends on whether the burden of tax falls on the buyers or the seller.

Indirect tax is a tax that is imposed by the government to the producers or seller but paid by or passed on to the end-users. Indirect taxes consist of import duties, excise duties, sales tax, service tax and export duties.

Real Time Economic Calendar


Economic Events

Date (GMT)CountryEventActualCons.Previous
Jun 1609:00EMUConsumer Price Index (MoM) (May) 0.1%0.0%0.4%
09:00EMUConsumer Price Index - Core (YoY) (May) 1.5%1.6%1.8%
09:00EMULabor Costs (YoY) (1Q) 3.7%3.0%3.8%
09:00DEZEW Survey - Economic Sentiment (Jun) 44.835.231.1
12:30USHousing Starts (YoY) (May) 0.48M0.46M
12:30USBuilding Permits (MoM) (May) 0.494M

Monday, June 15, 2009


Farming activity is the most widely practice in this world. It's also contributing to the rich world economy. Centuries people are trying to explore new method of farming and harvesting so they could increase output and productivity.
As the world most significant economic contributor, farming is widely regards as the heart of any nation economy. Nation such Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and some other nation are putting farming and harvesting as their first economy priority.
Farming provide food for people, why doesn't it be regards as vital?
When globalization and capitalism start to spread and influencing.. the perspectives of farming has been changed... to good and bad.
Government are starting to intervene a little bit by drafting bills, agency are squeezing the poor rural farmers, middle-man were buying the harvested goods at a very low price and sell it for a price that utterly unacceptable. This phenomena were not anymore happened in United States but undoubtedly occur in a poorer country such as Cambodia and Vietnam.
Yes, we all are shouting the same slogans. "Free Trade", but does that mean it's free to squeeze?
I've been to Isaan, Thailand, where most of the household economy are abruptly depending on planting and harvesting paddy. Most of the farmers are deriving less than USD 10 a day per ca pita. Some of them are even more worst, get hooked up with loan shark which in other hand giving them a high interest rates where sometime it is irrational in finance and economic perspectives. The Thai government are not to be blamed for all of this as they has already provide the necessary assistant as what they could, but the offer from other party are more fascinating compares to government offer.
The instant pills to help the farmers in Isaan is to invest in large sum of money to procure a more sophisticated machinery for doing the harvesting job, creates a body that will regulates the market price and the ceiling price so that the middle-man could not even monopolizing the price, providing a micro type of loans which are solely meant for farming purpose to farmers, creating a self-conscious and sense of pride to the farmers, and diversify the paddy market so that it would not be stagnated and also have a competitive value in commodity market.
In Malaysia for instantly, farmers over there are also facing the same issues, based on Professor Ungku Aziz research in 70's, the condition of the farmers and the farming industry are absolute sad. There's discrimination, abuse of prices, deregulate trade and corruption. Time by time, after several effort done by the government, those sentiment are decreasing, but hardy, it is impossible to wipe it off. Up till today, Malaysian Government has spended RM 2 billion per annum just to buy fertilizer and the productivity can only cover 60 to 70 percent for Malaysian, and this amount is a huge sums for a small consumption, ad the initiative done by the government is to diversify the application of the paddy, just like what has Japan does, recycle it....
It is predicted could covers back at least 30 to 38 percent per annum.
Anyway, if the farming industry could be saves in a short time, it is perhaps that the industry is going to collapse.