Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Wealth And Economy In Islam

Recently I've been reading a book written by the best Islamic scholar in the world, Dr. Yusuf al-Qardhawy, not that I'm over impress by this book, I've read and studied most Islamic economy reseaches and this book has refreshing my mind to the true value of economic morality that we need to practice.

What is Economic morality? As for most academic, they might define it as an act of attitude towards our decision making, our daily behavior and spending structure. But, eventually, In Islam, this code of conduct are well written in the holy Quran and has been practiced by most Muslims for centuries. Not that I'm against capitalism and totally supporting pure Muamalat (Islamic Finance). Dr. Qardhawy stated that Islamic finance is the best medium in economic as it stands in between Capitalism and Communism doctrine.

I shall share the wisdom of thought that has been highlighted by Dr. Qardhawy, so that we could understand, appreciates and practice it in our daily activities.

It suffice us here, to take an idea concerning the essential rules which the establishment of economy is based on Islamic society, the important of this rules are as follow:
1. Consideration of wealth as a favour and bounty in the hands of righteous.

2, Wealth belonged to Allah, the human being is vicegerent on it.

3. Injunction for work and good earning, considering it as a kind of worship and strife

4. Prohibition of evil earning resources.

5. Recognition of individual ownership and it's protection.

6. Depriving the individuals from taking in possession the things is necessary for society.

7. Forbid the owner to do any harms to the other.

8. The investment of wealth should not be on the expense of moral and public interest.

9. The achievement of self-efficiency for the nation.

10. Moderation is expenditure.

11. Establishment of mutual responsibility among the members of society.

12. Narrowness of gaps between classes.