Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday, the Non-Farm Payroll

Damn... the figures of the unemployment rate for the month of May is 9.4% was it optimistic? Fundamentally.... yes! But rationally..... it is still early to see the green shoot.
Almost all over the places in all over the world, peoples were talking about the end of the recession, everybody placing a big hope for the end of this worst financial crisis in 21st century.
Analysis with more analysis comes and giving different figures and dates of their predictions, on when will the recession is about to end..........
For me to personally... the most vital thing is that the government and central banks need to regulates well each respective nations deficit to meet each equilibrium.
Let the nation heals from it sick then gave them the additional supplement when the time is right.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We all has been flabbergasted by the recent action done by the GM (General Motor), they filed bankrupt and turning the firm into a smaller firm.
Alright then.... the Big Three are seems unable to be saves anymore. Mr Obama abruptly going to be disappoint due to the failure of the "mega stimulus bailout plan", then what will happened to the Big Three?
I personally wont give any bloody care for Chrysler though.... Ford? nahhhh.......big NO! then lastly GM? they own several brands that are seems to plays a sentimental roles in American history. Brand such as Lincoln, Cadillac, Holden, Hummer, Pontiac and other major brands under their line are part of American culture and urban legend.
I'm not saying that Ford and Chrysler didn't played a very significant part in American society. But I felt that GM should be highlighted on this essay. (Technically)
When GM filled for bankruptcy, they also intended to sell some of their unprofitable brands. But when they intend to sell their Hummer brand to a China company.
Most people will says @#&$..........
Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery is the Lucky company to acquire Hummer. (we'll see how lucky are they...)
The price of the purchase has not been disclose yet but according to GM, Bankers have said that Hummer could fetch about USD 100 million in cash.
Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery is expected to resume Hummer in the third quarter of the year. This will marks the first China company buying one of the most struggling American car maker.
The issues here is not about the ability of Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery purchasing Hummer. This is a free-trade world under globalization tag. "Who has the money, they're the winner" and "who does not, they'll be the looser" But the vital issue is that this event will marks that China has the ability to be the world economic leader.
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew once quoted on a conference in Singapore by saying that China will be the next emerging market leader.
How true is that actually? I don't exactly know. Even if Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery ability to purchase Hummer, it's still not a solid concrete indicator to verify that China has the credibility to be the next market leader.
How will Hummer under China production? Will the future manufacturer will still maintain the front silver grill on the SUV? Will it go with 19' rims? alloy some more....Will the carbon fiber part still be maintain? I don't know....
We can't predict how does the standard of China productivity. Are they following the ISO as with other country in the world... It's hard to say right now..
But one thing I can assure all of the petrol-heads out there. Hummer will not be the same again if the Luxury SUV be manufacture in the People Republic Of China.
I'm not here to condemn or discriminate the ability of China and its production workers, it's not my right to do so.. and it is still early for me to justify the credibility of Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery..... but I just sad that my favorite brand go to other unknown name and not with some other famous brand which will in other hands improvise more on the SUV..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today topic will be quite interesting to the ladies especially, it's all about gold..
ever since the Neolithic period, human all over the land are starts to appreciate gold
as an asset or something valuable belonging.
Centuries of excavation and mining were done to acquire this valuable commodity.
Bloods, sweats, killings, war and conquering and so on are recorded
in the history just for the sake of gold.
One classic literature related to gold is the story about King Midas.
The king has been cursed because of his greediness, everything that he touched will
eventually turned into gold, until he die because he can't even eat or drink.
There's also other classic stories from ancient Greek, Rome, Scythian and so on which tells about their warriors fought and won or loose, dying in the battlefield for the reason of gold.
In early 15 century, Portuguese has start their voyage to the far east, bringing with them 3G's,
Gold, Glory and Gospels. Sailing to southern America at the west and Malay Archipelagos on the
east to colonise, conquering lands and their 3G's. (sadly mobile phone are not available at that moment)
El Dorado is the classic example to proof the Spanish arrival, and so does the Mayans gold in Mexico.
History is the most classic witnesses to testify human eagerness on their quest to obtain gold, but, centuries has passed until today the 21st century, and do we understand the value of gold.
Why does the gold has been given such a substantial value in every culture community? Where does the value derives from? Whom responsible to give value of gold? What kind of valuation that need to be determine during gold valuation?
Before the Bretton Wood Agreement, the value of United States of America currency are pegged to the value of gold, until the greenback receives a huge devaluation, they abort the pegging and let the greenback float. That's much of the accreditation were given to gold on the time.
There's an old words saying that if the stock market heading towards uncertainty and possibly getting bears for a significant period, it's better to buy gold as it is a safe heaven.
But, does gold were that vital in economic perspectives?
My mom owns several accessories made from gold, time by time she will pawn her jewellery just to make sure there's food on the table, (well, that was about 10 years ago....)
When I asked my mom why does she like to buy and collect gold jewellery? and she answer me by saying that it's an investment, (the most conservatives investment...) it's the most risk free investment that anybody can easily mastered, except, the only risk here is only thieves.
At least there's a good things by acquiring gold....... pawn it when you need cash.
But, gold are actually just a piece of metal.
I still remember when my ex-girlfriend asked me whether I would by her any jewellery on Valentines Day, I said yes, and she says she want her gift to be gold, and I say 'what?'
I was naive on that time, I don't know that by saying 'what?' is such an offence to her at that particular moment, I should have know that she was a materialistic.. (sorry Ariel...)
The point is, gold is just a piece of metal,
history has proves that gold has caused so much trouble in this world, (exclude my case please....)
The reason it has a value in any community is just because it's the most practical medium of trade. That's all, end of conclusion.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Democrats agree to IMF money in US war bill

Bank of America Corp, JPMorgan Chase & Co and several other banks said they have raised at least $18 billion as lenders scramble to extricate themselves from Washington's grip.
Banks are raising capital as investor sentiment for the sector improves and, in many cases, to show regulators they are capable of functioning without government support.
'Markets are providing an avenue for banks of all sizes and stripes to raise money unless you are at death's door,' said Gary Townsend, co-founder of Hill-Townsend Capital in Chevy Chase, Maryland. 'The market also seems to be making an assessment that credit problems are manageable and that the environment is improving. In my view, that is correct.'
JPMorgan sold $5 billion of stock, Morgan Stanley $2.2 billion and American Express Co $500 million after the Federal Reserve on Monday imposed capital-raising requirements on large lenders hoping to repay bank bailout fund.
Goldman Sachs Group Inc, which also hopes to exit the Treasury Department's Troubled Asset Relief Program, sold $1.9 billion of its stake in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
Meanwhile, Bank of America said it has raised close to $33 billion, including $7 billion over six days, nearly all of the $33.9 billion that regulators demanded after a 'stress test' of the bank's ability to handle a deep recession. The bank said it expects to 'comfortably exceed' the $33.9 billion figure.
Also, SunTrust Banks Inc late Monday sold $1.4 billion of stock to help plug a $2.2 billion capital hole.
Nineteen of the largest banks underwent the stress tests, and the Fed plans to announce next week which of the 19 will be permitted to repay bailout funds. Nine of the banks were told they had enough capital to withstand a deep economic downturn, while 10 were told to raise $74.6 billion.
In morning trading, American Express shares fell 4.6 percent to $24.80, Bank of America rose 1.2 percent to $11.34, Goldman fell 0.2 percent to $144.09, JPMorgan fell 3.3 percent to $34.91, Morgan Stanley fell 3.4 percent to $28.88, and SunTrust rose 10 percent to $15.18.

The Fed on Monday said large banks hoping to repay TARP must show they can access public equity markets, sell long-term debt without government backing, foster lending, maintain sufficient capital, meet their funding obligations, and support their subsidiaries.
American Express, Bank of New York Mellon Corp, BB&T Corp, Goldman, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, State Street Corp and U.S. Bancorp have signaled their intent to repay the government, people familiar with the matter have said. Some of the requests have not been made public.
Repaying TARP could leave recipients 'free and clear, like a real American free citizen, corporate citizen, like we were in the past,' JPMorgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said on a conference call on Monday.
To free themselves from Washington, banks still need to buy back or get rid of government warrants to buy their shares. The government got these when they injected money from TARP.
More than 600 banks took TARP money; about 20 have paid it back, Treasury Department data show.
American Express took $3.4 billion from TARP, Bank of America $45 billion, Bank of New York Mellon $3 billion, BB&T $3.1 billion, Goldman $10 billion, JPMorgan $25 billion, Morgan Stanley $10 billion, State Street $2 billion, SunTrust $4.9 billion and U.S. Bancorp $6.6 billion.




In macroeconomic theory, there are several problems which critically appear on every angles and aspects. Problems such as unemployment, inflation, interest rates et cetera.

As in fact in economic study, it regulates a vast search of prevention and alternatives to solve these issues.

On this research, I will divide these major problems into three parts which explains the business cycles, second would consider the unemployment and the final part would deal with inflation.


A business cycle is also known as a trade cycle. It is an important element of economics. Business cycle refers to the regular fluctuation in economic activity in an economy as a whole. A business cycle refers to a wave-like fluctuation in aggregate economic activity particularly with regard to national income, employment and output.


According to Keynes, a business cycle is composed of periods of good trade with rising prices and low unemployment percentages; follow by period of bad trade with falling prices and high unemployment percentages.


I- A business cycle is an economic-wide phenomenon which prevails in all industries. If a depression or boom takes place in the industries sector, then it will spread to other sector such as construction, services, agriculture and so on.

II- A business cycle is a wave-like movement in economic activity where an expansion is followed by depression. So the economy moves from one position to another position like a pendulum.

III- Business fluctuations occur periodically and tend to be recurrent in nature. They usually appear again and again after a period of time. The periodicity and causes are not always the same.

IV- Expansion and contraction in a business cycle are self-reinforcing and cumulative in effect.

V- A business cycle is characterized by upward and downward movements.


A typical or standard business cycle goes through four different stage or phases. There are two periods in the business cycle phases which are expansion and contraction.


Defined as a period in a business cycle where it moves from a trough to a peak i.e. where output and employment increase.


Contraction is a period in a business cycle when it moves from a peak to a trough during which output and employment decline.


During peak period, the economy is at full employment where all available resources are employed. The economy will experience a high level of output and trade, increasing effectives demand and higher employment levels and income.

Business optimism creates more investment and increased pressure on available resources that leads to an increase in wages and prices of inputs.

There could be a situation where the number of jobs is more than the number of workers and this situation is known as overfull of employment. As a result, there will be an increase of price, wages, interests and profit.


Recession will took place after the period of prosperity ends. This phase is characterized by

I- A decrease in the volume of output, trade and transactions;

II- An increase in the level of unemployment(level of employed is lower);

III- A reduction in aggregate income in term of wage and profit; and

IV- A decline in consumption expenditure and investment level.

The downward phase is also called a contraction. A deep and prolonged recession is known as a depression. Recession is only last for a six month period, with a continue decline in real GDP.


A recession ends when the real GDP is stops falling. The minimum point is called a trough. The trough will last until there is an increase in the real GDP.

In this phase, the overall level of economic activity will fall to the lowest level. Unemployment rates during this phase will be higher and will create many problems. Thus it is a period of great suffering and hardship to society and the worst phase to the business cycle.


The trough is followed by the recovery. Recovery is a period of revival leading to an upturn of an economy. The economy’s level of output and expand towards full employment during this phase.

The recovery period is initiated by the government expenditure, changes in production techniques, new innovation and exploitation of new sources of energy.

The increase in government expenditure will stimulate the demand for consumption if goods. As a result, the employment level, output, income, wages, prices and profit will start to increase. Through the multiplier effect, the economy will move upward rapidly.

Phase of a Business Cycle Economic Activity

Peak Output—Maximum level

Unemployment—Lowest level

Recession Output—Declines


Trough Output—Minimum Level

Unemployment—Highest level

Recovery Output—Increases



During a recession, the unemployment rate increases and it is imperative to study unemployment.

In order to understand unemployment, it is vital to understand the labour force. A labour force is defined as all persons above 16 years of age and older who are workings or actively seeking work. Labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons. Unemployment is defined as labour force participants being available and willing to work but is unable to find jobs. Therefore the unemployment rate is the percentage of labour forces that are unemployed and are actively seeking employment. Discouraged workers are not included in the definition of a labour force. A discourage worker is an individual who wants to work but has been unsuccessful for a long period of time in finding a job and who has consequently giving up on seeking for jobs. Discourage workers would like to work if the job prospects are good.

The unemployment does not measure underemployment. Underemployment is a term used to describe those who take on part-time jobs bellow their capabilities but are seeking for a full time employment.


Number of unemployed

Unemployment rate (%) = ------------------------------- x 100%

Labour force

Year 2000

Year 2001

Year 2002

Total Population




Labour Force




Total Employment




The unemployment rate for each year is as follows.

Unemployment rate year 2000 = (Total Unemployed/labour force) x 100

= (6834.1 – 6350.8/ 6834.1) x 100

= 7.07%

Unemployment rate year 2001 = (Total Unemployed/labour force) x 100

= (7046.5 -6621.0/7046.5) x 100

= 6.04%

Unemployment rate year 2002 = (Total Unemployed/labour force) x 100

= (7527.9-6848.9/7527.9) x 100

= 9.02%

Full Employment is a situation in which all available resources in the economy are employed to produce goods and services. However it is difficult to define full employment because full employment does not mean hundred percent of the working labour force. There are always people who are voluntarily unemployed as a result of being dissatisfied with their current job. This situation is called frictional unemployment.

Full employment means that unemployment rate that is equal to frictional unemployment.

Types of Unemployment.

  1. Frictional Unemployment;
  2. Cyclical Unemployment;
  3. Structural Unemployment;
  4. Seasonal Unemployment.

Frictional Unemployment

Some people have voluntarily quit their jobs to look for other suitable employment. Some school leavers or fresh graduates may be entering into labour force for the first time. This job seeker may be unemployed temporarily for a short time. This is referred to a fictional unemployment.

Fictional Unemployment occurs when people are in between jobs, or are entering or re-entering the labour force.

Cyclical Unemployment

Cyclical unemployment occurs when there is a lack of jobs that results because of a downswing in a business cycle or a recession.

Cyclical employment is a matter of a serious concern compare to a fictional unemployment because the latter was involuntarily and continues until the economy comes out of a recession and takes several years to recover.

Structural Unemployment

This type of unemployment arises due to structural changes in the economy of a country. E.g. a worker loses a job due to that particular job is no longer a part of the structure of the economy.

Structural Unemployment exists because the composition of the labour force does not respond quickly to meet changing demands, technological changes or competition from imported goods and so on.

The workers felt that their skills, talents and experiences were obsolete and unwanted due to the changes in technology and consumer demand.

Technological unemployment is a type of unemployment which is caused by the changes in the technique of production. Technology changes are taking place constantly and there is a need for the labour to keep them updated and be responsive to these changes.

Seasonal Unemployment

Seasonal Unemployment arises due to a second variation in the activities of particular industries. This scenario may be caused by climatic changes or changes in fashion or by the inherent nature if the industries themselves. E.g. A fisherman couldn’t go to the sea during winter or rainy season, therefore as an alternative, the fisherman do work onto the other industries during the low season.


The government can implement any one or a combination of monetary, fiscal and direct control policies.

Monetary Policy

The government may practice expansionary monetary policies which increased money supply in the economy.

a) Open market Operation-purchase of securities or short-term bond

- Central Bank may buy short-term bond or government securities and treasury bills

from individuals as well as institutions. The purchase of securities can increase money supply and increase the purchasing power of individuals and firm.

b) Lowering the reserve requirement

- Reserves Requirement refers to the amount of reserve commercial bank are required

to keep in the central bank. During period of unemployment, the central bank lowers this reserve requirement to increase the cash resources of commercial bank, thereby encouraging the banks to offer loans to public and businessmen.

c) Lowering the discount rate

- Also known as the bank rate. A decline in the discount rate is followed by a decline

in other interest rates which leads to increase borrowing and increase investment by

by private businessmen.

d) Lowering the interest rate

- The central bank may persuade commercial banks to decrease their rates of interest

on deposits from the public. This action from commercial banks will reduce the level

of savings and increase the purchase of goods and service from the public.

Fiscal Policy

The government may practice expansionary fiscal policies through taxation and public expenditure.

a) Decrease in taxes

-The approach to reduce the general burden of taxation on the community is a way to

control unemployment. Reduction in excise duty, sales tax, service tax, and other type

of taxes will increase the consumption expenses of the people.

Ironic, that's the fact of life

We all understand that education played a substantial role in every person future prospects. Parents mostly spends at least USD 500 per annum for every child education in hoping that their children could get a stable and well-earn income in the future, in other words, good education means good job in the future.
But, ironically, none of this is actually relevant in this current globalized era. (Not to says that it is irrelevant but partially..) A teacher holding a degree earned less than a managers holding the same degree, a janitor work 8 hours a day earns less then a factory workers which both of the occupation requires the same qualification, a corn farmer in Texas, United States earned more than a paddy farmer in Isaan, Thailand, even though both of them working at the same amount of hours.
So, imagine that a degree holder working at a software firm as a software engineer and the other degree holder just being a sales executives to the software firm selling the software that were designed by the engineer, there's utterly the engineer who earns more compare to the sales exec who sales the product to the market.
This is such an inconvenient fact that should be elaborate according to economic perspectives. Which will therefore explains the reason behind all of the matters.
Supply and demand are the key point in the micro and macro concept of understanding, where there's a scarcity, a supply will meet the demand.
Alright then, we'll understood the key point here, let's look at the original question then...
Mr A and have just graduated from a top university and currently job hunting, Miss B in other hand is a dropout from the university, now currently also searching for a job. Mr A applying a job as a Junior Executive at a famous Firm, his starting pay is USD 1,200 ++, he needs to work 8 hours a day, 5 1/2 per week, shall be receiving the firm benefits and bonuses only after 3 months of probation period. While Miss B getting a job as a Lingerie Model at an international magazine, she doesn't have a starting pays but her minimum income per shoot is USD 300 to USD 500. Working at least 12 to 16 hours per week, did not entitle to receives any company benefits and bonuses (maybe dental..?), don't have any probation period and did not entitle to wear any uniform (except bikini). Overall accumulated income for Miss B per month is from USD 2,400 to USD 3,500.
Mr A has gone through a hard times during his academic years, staying late at night to study and reversing, tying his belt due to his insufficient money to have a meal, and leaving his computer gaming hobby for the sake of concentrating his study has manage to earn only USD 1,200 per month on his first job while Miss B, a dropout, has gone through an easy and wild times during her academic years, she stayed late at night just to have a party with friends, rock and roll all nights and party everyday, did not even attempt to leave her lavish hobby, shopping (girl.....duh..)
has managed to earns from USD 2,400 to USD 3,500 per month, higher than Mr A.
Is it because Mr A is a male and wear a spectacle or just because Miss B have a big boobs, attractive smile, and curvy body shape? or can we say it's all just luck? In mathematical, luck is just a probability, in economic terms, probability is not an accurate indicator.
For a normal person, it best to be easily describe this scenario as a reality of life, but aren't that's a disappointing tone came out from a disappointed person?

-This post will be resume to lets other reader to thinks and post a feedback comment about this issue, it will be resumes back after a week of this posting-